our international projects
Please choose the project of your interest:
Chemical dosing plants for waste water treatment at municipal clarification plant
Storing plants for overhead storing of diesel fuels
Distributor for gas and Air control manifold
Hydracine - dosing plant for conditioning of water circuits at power plants
LPG-Booster-Skid and Diesel-Booster-Skid
High-pressure pumping installation and backdosing plant
Pressure container at execution
Pilot plant for studying the act of leaching of different hard substances according to technical rules
Nitrogen and supply to carbon dioxide
Tank farm for motor spirits
Supply to ammonia of 500kg barrels
Chlorine and supply to hydrogen sulphide
SNCR system to the denoxing process of flue gases
Mobile gas dosage for HCL and NH3, pharmaceutical active agent plant
Measuring out station for chemicals
Control, incl. renewal, filling level - supervision and visualization
Storage and dosage of Sulfurpellets
Polyelektrolyt-prepartation plant for sedimentation additive

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